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di RandomAsianGuy


  1. chief167 on

    Call the police for justice porn, they’ll come and tow it quite fast

  2. Ezekiel-18 on

    Typical rich person, probably vote for the MR/Open VLD or N-VA, doesn’t work due to passive revenues from sharesor rents, while complaining about poor people.

  3. Phalatron on

    Relax, De Mercedes is pakje 3457830, paste gewoon niet in de locker.

  4. Copranicus on

    I would never advise you to damage someone else’s property; that would be a crime.

    Unrelated though, I’m honestly impressed with how close they parked, if you put a note between their side mirror and the boxes I’m sure it’ll just stay there.

  5. iColourStuff on

    Die pakjesautomaten werken toch maar de helft van de tijd anyway

  6. Frikandelneuker on





    This door is broken. Maybe the next one

    *more metalic clanging against car*

  7. FrancisCStuyvesant on

    Almost looks like someones trying to block someone from getting a certain package. Can anyone really park like that not on purpose??

  8. AigleRouge117 on

    Old confused driver was probably thinking “if I parked my car all the way back there no one is gonna hit it ” or thinking he his making space for others to park.
    He probably has no idea what the bpost thing is and thought it to be an ad

  9. Can’t, don’t have a car or a veichle big enough to fit in front of that

  10. TheRealVahx on

    Everyone shitting on the car but this is Belgium. Car couldve been there first!


  11. Carrot_King_54 on

    Ah you can order your new car and have it delivered to a Bpost location now?

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