Nuovo rendering e modello della prossima portaerei nucleare francese New Gen da 90.000 tonnellate R92 di NavalGroup a EuroNaval2024.

di UpgradedSiera6666


  1. UpgradedSiera6666 on

    This 90.000 Tons New Generation of Nuclear Aircraft Carrier will be 320 meters in lenght / 85 meters In its widest part on the deck plus have 3 EMALS and AAG from GeneralAtomics.
    2x 220 MW nuclear reactor from TechnicAtome.

    Dassault Rafale F5+

    Dassault-Airbus SCAF/NGF.

    Dassault Advanced Naval Tactical Drone nEUROn.

    H160 Airbus Helicopter.

    3 Advanced Hawkeye E-2D

    Refueling Drone.

    Cruising Speed 30 Knots(55 km/h).

    Will get Aster 15 NG and Aster 30B1NT

    Also France will begin the study to extend the life operation of the R93 Charles de Gaulle nuclear aircraft carrier way past of its retiring date for maybe an additional 20 years of service.

    Constantly uprgraded be it on radars, weapons systeme, life on board, its own ”hospital” bloc and last variant of jet and payload + the ASMP/A R 300kt nuclear tactical supercruise missile and upcoming ANS4G adaptative hypersonic nuclear missile.

    Will get others major uprgrades in 2027-2028, Those uprgrade will continue way past the 2030’s and into the 2040’s all the way to the early 2050’s if agreement of the studies.Will allow French Navy to have 2 nuclear aircraft carrier.,%2C%20pr%C3%A9vu%20en%202027%2D2028.

  2. Fun-Criticism2017 on

    Penser à mesurer la longueur et bien visser l’hélice cette fois-ci.

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