Ucraina: furia in Russia per l’attacco missilistico, ma Putin finora tace


di denizorhan


  1. opinionate_rooster on

    I’d be silent too if I needed an urgent underwear change.

  2. Anteater776 on

    Pretty sure he is busy calling Donald Musk to make sure they tell Zelensky not to shoot at Russian territory.

  3. Fun_Skirt_2396 on

    They are afraid to tell him that his threats no longer mean anything.

  4. PanTheOpticon on

    They will scream escalation and WW3 while invading a sovereign country in Europe with the help of Iran and North Korea.

    Every minute you spend listening to their lies is time wasted.

  5. LazyZeus on

    Have to burst a bubble for BBC journalists, but if they would open Russian TV at any time of day for the last three years, they would be met with “We have to nuke London immediately!”
    Missiles will only bring Russians people down to earth.

  6. amcape30 on

    Putin is only silent because the only people it affects are the NK soldiers and a few of his own cannon fodder. He cares not about anyone but himself. He could open constructive dialogue but chooses war.

  7. Sabreshield on

    Russians are busy blaming the west for escalation. What a joke of a country.

  8. positivcheg on

    Sure he is quiet cuz it was corrected afterwards that those can only be used in Kursk. Those missiles are so useful to snipe scattered humans.

  9. Bcmerr02 on

    Everyday is one day closer to NATO preparing for a render-safe of Russia’s nuclear weapons.

  10. Not silent, they damaged an undersea cable today. Will there ever be a red line drawn for Russia in Europe?

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