L’UE dovrebbe consentire all’Ucraina di colpire all’interno della Russia: capo della politica estera


di BubsyFanboy


  1. FifthMaze on

    It’s impossible to fathom the slow roll of western use of weapons of war.

    It’s war.

  2. ctrl-brk on

    And maybe don’t publicly announce it until Ukraine had the chance to use it first

  3. wombat6168 on

    Starmer saying we need to double down on aid and yet where is the permissions to use storm shadow in ruzzia.
    Putin calls it an escalation but says nothing about the north Koreans fighting there

  4. koensch57 on

    It is very simple: From russian point of view, the occupied areas are already targeted, because they think it is part of russia. If they start complaining the only conclusion is that the “new” russian oblasts are not really russian.

    They even target the non-occupied areas themselves, so why would Ukraine not target Russian area’s?

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