Questa è una certa tempestività, ragazzi

di lifeandtimes89


  1. DatsLimerickCity on

    You’d think he could afford the apostrophe in ‘I’m’

  2. originalface1 on

    What’s his whole agenda exactly? When I first read I thought he’d be joining ranks with the far-right weirdos but doesn’t seem to be the case.

    Trying to legitimise assets maybe?

  3. MakingBigBank on

    Who would have believed it would happen even a few years ago? I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t do half bad at the polls either.

  4. HugoZHackenbush2 on

    There’s a good chance The Monk might top the pole in that area..

  5. Flyingcornflake on

    So pissed off that literally EVERY single lamppost is littered with these billboards begging for votes…

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