Sto valutando la possibilità di prendere in prestito la mia auto da un amico mentre sono via o per Natale, la dichiarazione evidenziata significa che chiunque guidi il veicolo è assicurato?

di P-Tep


  1. freiheitsbegriff on

    This might be only the „Haftpflicht part“ of your insurance. Like damage to your own car could be in other areas of the contract. Also, it could be that there are exclusions or restrictions in this contract. But yes. I would also expect that „Fahrer des Fahrzeuges“ is anyone driving the car.

  2. Actual-Garbage2562 on

    Only the liability insurance, i.e. damage done to third parties. So if your friend totals your car, you ain’t getting jack.

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