Some person from Centra informed me that they are literally making 4% profit margin on these.
Why would centra even bother at this stage with these with such a low margin.
jamster126 on
Centra is selling PS5’s…..what? Lol
Does it come with a free Hot chicken roll?
CT0292 on
What Centra has PlayStations? One near me is a fairly large Centra. Even then they wouldn’t have a PS5 in stock on a normal day.
SteveRed31 on
Mad to see Centra selling something for a reasonable price
doctor6 on
‘Two Ps5s an two jambons please, yeah separate bags thanks’
Camoflauge94 on
It’s not that uncommon , some items , known as loss leaders , are often sold at a negative profit margin to drive footfall to the stores in order to sell other ,higher profit margin items . I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this “leak” was a stunt by centra’s marketing department to get people into the stores 😂😂
jaypronee on
I have one via my SuperValu store, only 6 of us had them ordered through the tradeshow months ago. Not every store bothered getting them in as we had no idea on the pricing at the time, the gamble paid off for us as it’s a brilliant deal😎
Any deals going in the deli?
Some person from Centra informed me that they are literally making 4% profit margin on these.
Why would centra even bother at this stage with these with such a low margin.
Centra is selling PS5’s…..what? Lol
Does it come with a free Hot chicken roll?
What Centra has PlayStations? One near me is a fairly large Centra. Even then they wouldn’t have a PS5 in stock on a normal day.
Mad to see Centra selling something for a reasonable price
‘Two Ps5s an two jambons please, yeah separate bags thanks’
It’s not that uncommon , some items , known as loss leaders , are often sold at a negative profit margin to drive footfall to the stores in order to sell other ,higher profit margin items . I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this “leak” was a stunt by centra’s marketing department to get people into the stores 😂😂
I have one via my SuperValu store, only 6 of us had them ordered through the tradeshow months ago. Not every store bothered getting them in as we had no idea on the pricing at the time, the gamble paid off for us as it’s a brilliant deal😎