PS5 a buon prezzo dal Black Friday fino a mercoledì nei negozi Centra € 395 se stai cercando il Natale!

di MatthewK1999


  1. mybighairyarse on

    Some person from Centra informed me that they are literally making 4% profit margin on these.

    Why would centra even bother at this stage with these with such a low margin.

  2. jamster126 on

    Centra is selling PS5’s…..what? Lol

    Does it come with a free Hot chicken roll?

  3. What Centra has PlayStations? One near me is a fairly large Centra. Even then they wouldn’t have a PS5 in stock on a normal day.

  4. SteveRed31 on

    Mad to see Centra selling something for a reasonable price

  5. ‘Two Ps5s an two jambons please, yeah separate bags thanks’

  6. Camoflauge94 on

    It’s not that uncommon , some items , known as loss leaders , are often sold at a negative profit margin to drive footfall to the stores in order to sell other ,higher profit margin items . I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this “leak” was a stunt by centra’s marketing department to get people into the stores 😂😂

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