Questa è una nota vocale di Cena, un membro americano del Rogue Team. Cena è stato colpito alla testa ma è sopravvissuto. Ha poi camminato per oltre 10 chilometri verso la salvezza. Ha bisogno di aiuto per sostituire l’attrezzatura che ha dovuto lasciare e anche i suoi compagni di squadra hanno bisogno di aiuto. Vedi i commenti per ulteriori informazioni.
di tallalittlebit
1 Comment
*Reposting this as in consultation with the team we decided to remove some information to keep the focus on Cena.
This is a voice note from Cena, an American prior service Marine. He is miraculously still alive; he and his teammates are thankful for that but it really is a miracle. He was shot in the back of the head by a PKM. Thanks to a quality helmet, the bullet took out a chunk of flesh in his skull but failed to penetrate. He was seriously injured but is making a pretty phenomenal recovery. He will soon head back out with his team.
His team is Rogue Team. This is a GUR assault team that is majority American; almost all of them are Americans with prior service in the US military who are now long-term volunteers in Ukraine. This is a team well-known and well-respected in Ukraine. They are known for their professionalism and tend to stay away from social media or any attention.
We were already working with this team but now they are really in need of more assistance. On their last mission, their only path to exfil was through a swamp. Going through a swamp meant constantly sinking into the muck, sometimes up to their necks. That destroyed a lot of their equipment and clothing. I’ve seen it in person; there is no way anyone can ever wear it again.
This is what the team is requesting help with. You can donate via the Paypal at []( and choose “Rogue Team.” You can also sign up as a supplies donor and choose to match with a member of the team. If you are American and wanting to help another American over there, then please know these guys would never WANT to be called heroes or accept it. But among other Americans in Ukraine, that is how we feel about them. These are some of the best Americans that went to Ukraine.
1. Help for Cena to replace lost equipment. Everything is gone. His teammate tried to carry it for a while but couldn’t do it all the way. Some other teammates also have equipment lost or destroyed.
2. Help for the whole team to get side armor to protect from shrapnel. This is not too costly (usually under $100 per person)
3. The team’s snipers (3 of them) requested thermal clip-on scopes.
4. They need 10 NVG mounts to replace the damaged ones. We already have these for them thanks to prior donations. They arrive this week.
5. Help to cover rent for the team house. This we do by matching donors up with one of the team leaders. They normally pay for this themselves.