Il creatore dell’esperienza Wonka è stato inserito nell’elenco degli autori di reati sessuali

di KeremyJyles


  1. IGetNakedAtParties on

    Between the scam events and his library of AI generated books, how does he find the time?!

  2. limeflavoured on

    Well that will prevent him scamming any more children with dodgy attractions then.

  3. NunWithABun on

    >Billy Coull, 36, was found guilty of abusive behaviour after repeatedly sending the messages referring to himself as a “wolf” and the woman as his “prey”.

  4. wagonwheels87 on

    Local charlatan found to be a menace to society. More at 10.

  5. 0ut0f7heCity on

    Ugh. First Facebook, then Whatsapp and Snapchat? For 3-4 months?! How did he get the woman’s phone number? Why didn’t the woman block him? Perhaps she enjoyed the unexpected attention first…

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