L’Azerbaigian intende rafforzare “la capacità di combattimento delle truppe al confine con l’Armenia”
Gli emendamenti costituzionali non sono mai stati all’ordine del giorno dei negoziati con l’Azerbaigian, dice il Primo Ministro armeno
Sta partendo un progetto pilota: i bambini delle scuole elementari di Zagabria mangeranno alimenti coltivati biologicamente
In riva al mare, l’unico giorno in cui uscì il sole. https://i.redd.it/jm8sjh0kix1e1.jpeg di DartzIRL
DartzIRL on 19/11/2024 21:55 Don’t know who it was or what they were so engrossed in. Deep thoughts maybe. The Wilson Stadt is leaving New Ross. Likely she’s going home to Norway.
If you hadn’t of taken a photo I wouldn’t have believed you.
Don’t know who it was or what they were so engrossed in. Deep thoughts maybe.
The Wilson Stadt is leaving New Ross. Likely she’s going home to Norway.