Condannato 18 volte, sottoposto alla più severa custodia cautelare… detenzione per 3 mesi? Stai scherzando, il sistema legale in Lituania è completamente disabilitato qui?
Bruxelles, c’è l’accordo sulla nuova Commissione. Raffaele Fitto verso la vicepresidenza con clausola
Anche se qualcuno ha provato a chiedere nel forum pubblico Fidesz a Kiskőrös, il sig. Zoltán Lomnici lo ha messo a tacere
Quindi ho sentito che in Belgio ne esistono molti e volevo sapere dove posso comprarli a buon mercato o andare in kart, come si chiamano entrambi? di HumanBeeing-
Eridoe on 20/11/2024 08:14 In the Netherlands it’s called Piet-plezierfiets I don’t think belgium people call it like that .
Xinonix1 on 20/11/2024 08:15 Billenkar or cuis-tax, used at the seaside so maybe contact one of the companies whi rent them
CyberThijs on 20/11/2024 08:19 Cheapest solution will be to buy one second hand from a rental company. If you want to buy a new one, this is the last Belgian producer of go-carts: []( . I only recently learned about this company after reading [this news article](
DaydreamerInsomniac on 20/11/2024 08:45 From Wallonia and we call it a cuistax (not sure of the spelling). Like others recommended, maybe reach out to rental companies ?
Sad-Address-2512 on 20/11/2024 10:31 gokar, or considering they are super popular at the westcoast, hokar.
In the Netherlands it’s called Piet-plezierfiets I don’t think belgium people call it like that .
Billenkar or cuis-tax, used at the seaside so maybe contact one of the companies whi rent them
Cheapest solution will be to buy one second hand from a rental company.
If you want to buy a new one, this is the last Belgian producer of go-carts: []( . I only recently learned about this company after reading [this news article](
Gocar(t) for multiple people.
From Wallonia and we call it a cuistax (not sure of the spelling). Like others recommended, maybe reach out to rental companies ?
Gocar in my neck of the woods!
gokar, or considering they are super popular at the westcoast, hokar.