OTD – 20 novembre 1936 – Eoin O’Duffy, leader delle Camicie Blu, si imbarca dall’Irlanda con altri per combattere per Franco in Spagna.


di Mayomick


  1. Natural-Mess8729 on

    It is kind of strange to me that we allowed our Nazi party to continue in politics once they rebranded?

    On a more amusing note, could you imagine Simon Harris doing something similar to this today?

  2. HugoZHackenbush2 on

    Interestingly, that’s my Great Great Uncle on the far right..

  3. DeadlyBuz on

    Quick, what else happened 90 years ago we can post about ahead of the election?

  4. >Many Irishmen heard the call of Franco
    Joined Hitler and Mussolini too
    Propaganda from the pulpit and newspapers
    Helped O’Duffy to enlist his crew

    >The word came from Maynooth, “support the Nazis”
    The men of cloth failed again
    When the Bishops blessed the Blueshirts in Dun Laoghaire
    As they sailed beneath the swastika to Spain

    Viva La Quince Brigada

  5. Jester-252 on

    Just FYI Blueshirts had fallen apart by 1936, this would have been made up National Corporate Party aka Greenshirts followers.

    Funny enough the NCP had policies of worker rights, profit sharing, minimum wage, 40 hour work week and 65 year old pension.

  6. ShouldHaveGoneToUCC on

    The Blueshirts had nothing to do with the Spanish Civil War. They dissolved before the Spanish Civil War started.
    O’Duffy had been forced out of his role as Fine Gael’s President in 1934 and he formed a new party, the National Corporate Party in 1935 and went to Spain in 1936.

    I can’t stand Fine Gael but attempting to link them to Franco is ridiculous. Especially as the IRA was allied with the Nazis during WWII.

  7. CrabslayerT on

    The same cunt offered Irish men to Hitler to fight on the eastern front. Obviously, his reputation had preceded him, and his offer was declined. May he rot for eternity

  8. Agitated_Vegetable25 on

    In the eagle has landed…the RA were on hitlers side 🥸

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