Bulgaria, Romania e Austria firmeranno una dichiarazione congiunta sull’adesione a Schengen


di DisgustingSandwich


  1. DisgustingSandwich on

    Something tells me another country will emerge that will veto both Romania and Bulgaria

  2. KernunQc7 on

    A bunch of hot air, I expect Schengen to drop from the agenda after the elections. Comical after 13 years, even more so that Schengen is half dead anyways.

  3. Clear-Pudding-1038 on

    In all seriosness, hopefully this farce will end soon. Both countries has fulfilled all conditions and were target of injustice and fine demonstration that rule of law applies selectively in Europe

  4. nicubunu on

    Plot twist: Austria withdraw their veto and then Netherlands remember they used to veto and reactivate theirs.

  5. Mannalug on

    I love how EEA countries are part of Schengen while EU countries are not – equality is strong in EU.

  6. Possible-Pineapple40 on

    Looks like somebody needs acces to fosile resources, after their best buddy cut the strings.

  7. Responsible-Ant-1494 on

    Chillax guys. Austria just taps out and Netherlands gets ready to step in.

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