Il 61% dei bulgari ritiene che l’euro sia una valuta stabile, il 26% non è d’accordo

di No_Firefighter5926


  1. Burlekchek on

    What people THINK is irrelevant. The euro has shown crisis after crisis that it can survive. Time to stop naysaying and to start appreciating what we have on our hands – the best thing that has happened to Europe since 1957.

  2. Maeglin75 on

    I don’t think lack of stability was ever considered a problem of the Euro.

    If anything, the lack of flexibility of the common currency can be a disadvantage for individual countries in certain situations.

    All in all the Euro is still a big advantage for the EU and its members.

  3. I’m adding this to my list of things that prove you can’t get everyone to agree on anything

  4. Miserable_Ad7246 on

    Adopting the euro for Bulgaria is a good thing. It’s stable, provides lower interest rates, and makes trading more efficient (no need to exchange or better spreads).

    Where will be temporary negative side effects – prices will go up. At least in Lithuania, we had an increase of prices first, but then after that salaries started to go up as well (many more factors added to this, but Eruo def helped.).

    Lev is also pegged to euro, so Bulgaria has to actively manage the peg, this is not going to be needed anymore.

  5. Euro will bringh growth and a lot more prosperity to Bulgaria.

  6. RedLemonSlice on

    I’m sure those 26% have their reasons, but I sorely disagree with them.

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