Se a qualcuno interessa (e visto che la questione è ancora piuttosto attuale), già nel 2016 l’organizzazione RAND (un nome che fa venire i peli non ancora cresciuti sulle orecchie dei complottisti ortodossi) ha pubblicato un interessante ed istruttivo rapporto dal titolo "Il russo "Manichetta antincendio della falsità" Modello di propaganda: perché potrebbe funzionare e opzioni per contrastarlo".

È disponibile presso: (anche PDF)

Sul territorio interno, invece, sviscerando la propaganda che porta avanti "attuale" il regime russo, si occupano del Servizio europeo per l’azione esterna, dove all’indirizzo analizzare l’attualità nell’area in oggetto.

The Russian Firehose of Falsehood Propaganda Model (RAND)
byu/PickyJacob inSlovenia

di PickyJacob


  1. 66348923675346899756 on

    Hvala za ta link! Ravno danes sem imel na tem subu interakcijo z enim takim botom. Zavedno piše laži, ko pa to dokažeš, pa ignorira in na novo začne z neko drugo lažjo. Tako skušajo utruditi tiste, ki jim laži debunkajo, nato pa računajo na naivnega bralca, ki bo verjel vsaki bedariji, ki je na internetu.

  2. NerminPadez on

    A rand je zdaj dober vir ze?

    Leta 2019 so objavili plan, kako “overextendat” rusijo, in od takrat dalje igrajo po tem playbooku

    > Geopolitical Cost-Imposing Measures

    > Providing lethal aid to Ukraine would exploit Russia’s greatest point of external vulnerability. But any increase in U.S. military arms and advice to Ukraine would need to be carefully calibrated to increase the costs to Russia of sustaining its existing commitment without provoking a much wider conflict in which Russia, by reason of proximity, would have significant advantages.

    Kalibracija jim glih ne gre.

    Belorusija tudi ne.

    Tole so pa tudi poceli:

    > Increasing support to the Syrian rebels could jeopardize other U.S. policy priorities, such as combating radical Islamic terrorism, and could risk further destabilizing the entire region. Furthermore, this option might not even be feasible, given the radicalization, fragmentation, and decline of the Syrian opposition.

    Pazi to.. ko dajes “podporo” so “rebels”, ampak ko se ta “podpora” uporabi, je pa to “radical islamic terrorism” 🙂

    Potem pa seveda se ideoloska propaganda:

    > Ideological and Informational Cost-Imposing Measures

    > Diminishing faith in the Russian electoral system would be difficult because of state control over most media sources. Doing so could increase discontent with the regime, but there are serious risks that the Kremlin could increase repression or lash out and pursue a diversionary conflict abroad that might run counter to Western interests.

    Se vedno pa nam lazejo, kako so vse volitve ukradene.

    > Encouraging domestic protests and other nonviolent resistance would focus on distracting or destabilizing the Russian regime and reducing the likelihood that it would pursue aggressive actions abroad, but the risks are high and it would be difficult for Western governments to directly increase the incidence or intensity of anti-regime activities in Russia.

    Evo, vidimo kdo placuje protestnike

    > Undermining Russia’s image abroad would focus on diminishing Russian standing and influence, thus undercutting regime claims of restoring Russia to its former glory. Further sanctions, the removal of Russia from non-UN international forums, and boycotting such events as the World Cup could be implemented by Western states and would damage Russian prestige. But the extent to which these steps would damage Russian domestic stability is uncertain.

    In tudi to so naredili.

    Pa se cel spisek vojaskih stvari je spodaj

    Pa ja, isti trije (marki, 54524423 in zgembo) bodo zdaj komentirali bla bla… za ostale, ce ne verjamete meni, preberite rand clanek zgoraj.

  3. YourLovelyMother on

    Najboljša propaganda tukaj je ta, da se ustvarja vtis, da je propaganda nekako regionalno zaščitena in omejena na Rusijo.

    Ma seveda Rusi nabijajo propagando, to vsi vemo.. bolj zaskrbljujoče je, da ljudje nekako ne dojamejo da imamo na naši strani najmočnejši propagandni stroj na svetu, ki mu lahko kljubuje le Kitajska, in še to samo na domačem terenu.

    Ruska propaganda nas komajda doseže.

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