The next Tory government will sell any successful state run enterprise.
Salty_Nutbag on
Boo. Hate the Lords.
Unelected and not accountable to the people.
Needs urgent reform.
Wait, what?
They did a good thing?
Beaky_Knucklewart on
Unrelated, but I’m entertained that the Independent thinks the bill needs royal ascent. That’s a bit of a climb.
FelisCantabrigiensis on
That’s all sorted then. The railways will all work much better in the near future.
Bokbreath on
Sweat the assets and squeeze the juice until it is on its last legs
Return to public ownership and let taxpayers rebuild
davus_maximus on
Good. First unification, then scrap the entire Byzantine fares “system” in favour of something that isn’t a blatant racket.
Fox_9810 on
They’ll not get rid of the underlying train operators so the problems won’t go away. Hell look at Northern – arguably got worse.
This isn’t anti-bringing them into the public hands, more we should totally cut away the corporation’s that are just going to have all their shares bought by the government
MousseCareless3199 on
The last thing I associate arms of the state with is efficiency.
I’m not holding my breath that this will make the trains better, definitely a feel good piece for the comrades though.
ElectricalDevice9653 on
So it turns out that private companies are all about the money and not the service?
Common-Ad6470 on
Now do the same for water, gas and electricity utilities so we can stop the insane bills and total mismanagement.
RedRoryPS2 on
When are we going to get it right that nationalisation in the UK just always makes things run worse. The amount of times I’ve been late due to the nationalised part of the railway recently. I dread to think what it will be like when the trains are nationalised.
The next Tory government will sell any successful state run enterprise.
Boo. Hate the Lords.
Unelected and not accountable to the people.
Needs urgent reform.
Wait, what?
They did a good thing?
Unrelated, but I’m entertained that the Independent thinks the bill needs royal ascent. That’s a bit of a climb.
That’s all sorted then. The railways will all work much better in the near future.
Sweat the assets and squeeze the juice until it is on its last legs
Return to public ownership and let taxpayers rebuild
Good. First unification, then scrap the entire Byzantine fares “system” in favour of something that isn’t a blatant racket.
They’ll not get rid of the underlying train operators so the problems won’t go away. Hell look at Northern – arguably got worse.
This isn’t anti-bringing them into the public hands, more we should totally cut away the corporation’s that are just going to have all their shares bought by the government
The last thing I associate arms of the state with is efficiency.
I’m not holding my breath that this will make the trains better, definitely a feel good piece for the comrades though.
So it turns out that private companies are all about the money and not the service?
Now do the same for water, gas and electricity utilities so we can stop the insane bills and total mismanagement.
When are we going to get it right that nationalisation in the UK just always makes things run worse. The amount of times I’ve been late due to the nationalised part of the railway recently. I dread to think what it will be like when the trains are nationalised.