Il PIL della Danimarca è cresciuto del 3,9% su base annua nel terzo trimestre del 2024, in aumento rispetto al 3,4% su base annua del trimestre precedente, un tasso più rapido rispetto a quello pre-COVID

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  1. cherryfree2 on

    Enjoy the growth while you can. Trump’s tariffs might put a stop to it soon.

  2. DonManuel on

    Like betting high on renewable energy doesn’t crash your economy? Who would have thought.

  3. Middle_Trouble_7884 on

    What the heck, that’s almost as high as emerging economies! What’s the secret? Don’t tell me it’s just Ozempic and Wegovy (both made by Novo Nordisk).

  4. kakao_w_proszku on

    Surely this cannot all be due to Novo? What would be the growth rate without them?

  5. Potential-Focus3211 on

    So if Southern Europe isn’t struggling anymore, Belgium isn’t struggling (for the short term), not even Netherlands is struggling, I guess it’s mostly just Germany, France and the UK that are the sick men nowdays?

  6. A massive thank you to all the obese people around the world… we love you and every ounce of fat on your body. Denmark

  7. suiluhthrown78 on

    ✅ More innovation from EU member states that solves problems

    ❌ Less regulation from failed national politicians who fall upwards into comfy EU positions and dont even understand what they’re regulating

  8. Gen0a1898 on

    perché hanno messo molti voli aerei dall’Italia e siamo venuti a mangiare nei ristoranti antipasto, primo piatto, secondo piatto, dolce e caffè

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