L’amministrazione Biden si prepara a cancellare 4,7 miliardi di dollari di prestiti all’Ucraina, afferma Reuters
di UNITED24Media
there is a misinterpretation in the headline, it is canceling the debt to the sum of $4.7 billion.
[lost in translation I assume](https://kyivindependent.com/biden-seeks-to-cancel-over-4-5-billion-in-ukraines-debt/)
This will be debated in the Senate shortly: [https://www.c-span.org/video/?540114-1/senate-session](https://www.c-span.org/video/?540114-1/senate-session)
Yesterday in the evening Sen. Rand Paul submitted, got the signatures for, and scheduled for a vote TODAY a Senate resolution (S.J.Res.117) to try to stop Biden from forgiving $5 billion in debt from Ukraine.
Dark Brandon keeps going..