Ritardato dalla guerra, il tanto atteso “STALKER 2” dell’Ucraina sale in cima agli acquisti di videogiochi


di housecatspeaks


  1. Of course, as a pc gamer its long awaited and by far the best highlight of the last couple of years, next to Baldurs Gate 3

  2. Reasonable-Start1067 on

    Will be purchasing this tonight! 🌻🌻🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🌻🌻

  3. Antichrist_Serj on

    Own Ultimate edition special for support ua developers from gsc

  4. bullanguero82 on

    Didn’t play the first one… already purchased the second.

  5. fuckreddit6789 on

    Can’t wait to play. Just 50 minutes before my workday ends. Hyped.

  6. PitifulEar3303 on


    They should include a storyline that blows up Putin or something, lol.

  7. Susurrus03 on

    So I’m looking into it as my OCD doesn’t let me play them out of order. Is there 3 games already making this the 4th?

  8. Gustafssonz on

    It’s a technical performance hell but it’s a great game yet. And needs some patches to be even better.

  9. Chaos-Cortex on

    Hope some funds go to Ukrainian Army to help with aid. WILL BE MY FIRST Stalker game, what should I expect, no spoilers.

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