Quota di persone in sovrappeso di età pari o superiore a 16 anni, 2022


di gotshroom


  1. JimJimmington on

    What is this colour scale? Multiple greys? What do they mean? The same? Yellow (a warning colour) is the best, better than green?

  2. 6ftmetalGuy96 on

    Whats happening in that straight line from Finland down to Croatia lol? I can confirm people in Croatia are fat.

  3. schmeckfest2000 on

    In all honesty, all these numbers seem rather high, imho. Italy has the lowest number in this chart, but it’s still 4 out of 10 people.

    That’s concerning. We can’t become a second US.

    Also, look at sneaky Malta… What’s going on down there?

  4. adammathias on

    So it’s basically reached around 50% everywhere, i.e. a continental epidemic.

    The slight differences are probably more driven by confounding variables like the emigration of young people or urban vs rural, not country borders per se.

  5. time_observer on

    Just keep in mind that overweight doesn’t mean obese. Overweight is just not underweight, which isn’t a good thing either.

  6. eiezo360 on

    Its useless because it says nothing about the general health of a population, when focusing alone on the “overweight” scale – or the 25-30 range. There is nothing that indicates the people, in general, in the “overweight” area (25-30) are at larger health risk than people in the “normal weight” scale.

    So in this case, where it just shows procent of population who are “overweight” is only usefull for rage- and or clickbait.

    A far better graph for a general health discussion is procent of obese in a giving population.

  7. Karihashi on

    What is the threshold? I’m having a hard time believing 50% of Spanish children are overweight…

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