Le registrazioni audio non hanno avuto alcun effetto, Fidesz guida il partito Tisza in tutte le categorie (Pubblico: Tisza 39% Fidesz 38%)
Esiste una legge che mi vieta di piazzare un trabucco nel mio giardino e di bombardare una chiesa perché suona le campane dalle 4 del mattino fino a quando non salgo sull’autobus? Se mi registro presso gli Hussiti durante il censimento, sarà più legale per me? Sto chiedendo un amico.
Non una crisi, un’opportunità https://x.com/gavreilly/status/1859308475316306428?t=ldzPohSjFuAlEicmu8l9gA&s=19 di deatach
deatach on 21/11/2024 08:03 Some real Orwellian shit by Norma. Any teachers considering voting FF should consider this.
rossitheking on 21/11/2024 08:11 Tbf to her, I think we can see what she meant to say. ‘In our darkest hour we can find some light’ kinda sentiment. I’m no fan of Fianna Fáil but this is a bit of a nothing burger.
ghostofgralton on 21/11/2024 08:14 I’m having an opportunity of confidence in Norma’s abilities at the moment
Some real Orwellian shit by Norma. Any teachers considering voting FF should consider this.
Tbf to her, I think we can see what she meant to say. ‘In our darkest hour we can find some light’ kinda sentiment.
I’m no fan of Fianna Fáil but this is a bit of a nothing burger.
I’m having an opportunity of confidence in Norma’s abilities at the moment