Ricchezza media pari a 555.000 euro: le famiglie in Belgio sono molto più ricche che negli altri Paesi dell’euro


di Blaspheman


  1. Isotheis on

    It’s nice to know the average family has that much money, now it’s unfortunate I don’t know a single average family, I guess…?

  2. caretaker81 on

    Maybe in 10-15 years when I’m about to retire I’ll be average.

  3. radicalerudy on

    Het hoge gemiddelde vermogen komt door de huizenbubbel.

    Zo lang ik niet in de lidl met fucking bakstenen kan betalen moeten ze hun bek houden over “het grote vermogen van de gemiddelde belg”

  4. EdgeLord19941 on

    If it’s counting homes then it really isn’t that great

  5. Harpeski on

    Its all because of the huge stimulus people got for purchasing their own home.
    If you dont own/payed off your house, you are not ‘that wealthy’.
    And most of that wealth is put in bricks.

    That value will decrease, because of the many old EPC F buildings thats gonna hit te market when the old boomers die.
    It will also decrease heavily because of the tax insensitive are basically gone for new home buyers. (no tax return, higher building materials, higher rent rates, almost no renovation subsidies, and demanding high EPC.)

  6. Kdacht dat het hoger zou zijn.
    Een deftig huis is al rap 700k+.
    Dan nog het gegeven dat vermogenden hier quasi geen belastingen betalen (relatief gezien).
    Er zal nog redelijk wat off-shore staan of in een trust.

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