Violenza contro una ragazza turca in Germania: picchiata a morte in bagno

di Tiny_Bad_8328


  1. Haydaaa5829 on

    İşte ırkçılık dediğin böyle olur kadına bile saygı göstermemişler bizde de iki mülteciler gitsinde ekonomi rahatlasın diyeni irkcı ilan ediyorlar

  2. bonaventura63 on

    Bu yanliş haber. Adam kizi dövdü öldürmedi. Ginede intikami alaçayiz inşallah

  3. Tiny_Bad_8328 on

    A 12-year-old girl named Ayşegül from a Turkish family living in Duisburg, Germany, was violently attacked in her school restroom by an unidentified individual on November 11. The attacker, estimated to be between 14 and 17 years old, remains unidentified and was reportedly wearing a black hooded jacket.

    According to her father, the attacker grabbed Ayşegül’s throat to prevent her from screaming, and despite her attempts to escape, she was severely beaten. A friend who witnessed the attack screamed for help, causing the assailant to flee.

    Shockingly, the school staff reportedly failed to call an ambulance, leaving the family to do so after finding Ayşegül in a traumatized state. The police response has also been criticized for delays and a lack of proper investigation, such as not taking fingerprints at the scene.

    Although Ayşegül is recovering physically, her family reports that she has experienced significant trauma. Her father is demanding that the attacker be found and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

  4. -Mister-Robot- on

    Saldırıyı yapan yanlız alman türkü 😂

  5. ReadLocke2ndTreatise on

    Saldırıyı yapan da Türk kökenli diyorlar.

    Her halükarda bu iki Alman vatandaşı arasında bir olaydır zira Almanya vatandaşı olan herkes Almandır.

    Türkiye’de “Çeçen çocuk Zaza çocuÄŸa saldırdı” diye manÅŸet olduÄŸunu düşünün. Nasıl Türk vatandaşı olan her birey Türk ise Alman vatandaşı olan her birey Almandır.

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