Twitter delle Irish Rail ogni mattina

di ParaMike46


  1. IrishHenshin on

    My personal favourite from a trip to Tokyo recently: Unidentified noise. If we can’t import Japanese rail, we should at least look at bringing in some of the cause, just to spice it up.

  2. dindsenchas on

    It’s getting out of hand. I started using the DART in 2017 and remember saying to my friends how reliable and easy it was, especially compared to the bus. The last year in particular has been crazy. The timetable debacle earlier in the year aside, I have been delayed by so many stations having signalling issues and so many trains having mechanical issues (last night trapped on a freezing Dart between Connolly and Clontarf for half an hour because the brake was stuck) that it’s becoming normal. Has maintenance been slashed or is the fleet/infrastructure just aged beyond what it can handle? It’s so frustrating.  As for the timetable, I bet a ton of people working on that project were completely ignored when they said it wouldn’t work, but were overridden by idiots higher up in the pecking order. I don’t know what’s changed in the management of Irish Rail but it’s for the worse, and I worry we’re only seeing the beginning of it. 

  3. Elvaquero59 on

    No shit. Not too long ago, I went to Galway, and when the train arrived at my station, it was already 8 minutes late. Then we were delayed for another 19 minutes because another train was coming (which was also late, btw), and the conductor had the audacity to say that we were on time. 27 fucking minutes late to Galway.

    The trains were delayed because a long time ago, someone thought it was a great idea to have only one railway line to Galway, instead of two beside each other, like you’d normally expect.

  4. Thin-Annual4373 on

    As an emergency service worker, I can confidently say people don’t realise the regularity in which others commit or attempt to commit suicide on our railways.

    These are often behind what Irish Rail announces as “technical or signalling” issues… for obvious reasons.

    Passengers experiencing medical issues requiring emergency services are common, too. These are often referred to as “technical issues” as well.

    I’m not saying they’re behind *all* delays, but they are behind a *lot* of them.

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