Nel mio giornale locale (Baviera, Oberfanken) continuo a notare post come questo. Chiedono di non ricevere auguri o regali per il loro compleanno, e anche dopo. Non capisco davvero perché.

A me sembra che vogliano mostrare al mondo quanto sono importanti, ma non voglio giudicare senza capire il contesto.

Quindi le mie domande sono:

Perché le persone pubblicano post del genere? Succede questo anche in altre parti della Germania?

di snahaba


  1. Actual-Garbage2562 on

    If I had to guess I’d say it’s just (very) old people that have no other means of communicating this to all of their acquiantances without individually calling them or writing letters. But your guess is as good as mine.

  2. RunZombieBabe on

    In some areas your neighbours/friends/ Vereinsmitglieder LOOOOOOVE to surprise you whith decorating your house, getting a choir to wake you or doing crazy stuff.
    If your old enough even the mayor or the church comes over…or the local firefighters or hunters if you are a part of it.

    If you tell them they don’t need to do it, they’ll say “Nooooo, we’re not planning ANYTHING!”😉

    Same when you tell them you are really gone due to a vacation..they think you are trying to fool them.

    So to make clear you are not joking and you really mean it and they would be disappointed you tell them that.

    They would also expect you to make a party or have something to eat/drink for them.

    I know a guy turning 18 and they almost got the tractor fired up to roll to his house until they realised he really wasn’t there😄

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