Dichiarazione del presidente Joe Biden Ricordando l’Holodomor | La Casa Bianca


di HydrolicKrane


  1. ITI110878 on

    Anything about ending the current genocide russia is perpetrating in Ukraine?!

  2. schmerz12345 on

    Even Ukrainian communist officials loyal to Stalin were purged at an insane proportion. This among other factors convinces me that Holodomer was a deliberate genocide against the Ukrainians by Stalin and the totalitarian state apparatus. Yes mismanagement played a part in the deaths but the indifference of Soviet state officials was influenced by a disdain for Ukrainians, even with growing awareness of the mass starvation little to no action was taken, and there were tons of purges specifically targeting groups of Ukrainians. The idea of Ukrainian independence was a sore spot for the Soviets after all. I’m no expert on this exact history and I welcome further elaboration from those more educated on this matter I’m only recounting what I recall reading and studying. 

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