Pubblicizzare il tartaro come fatto di “roast beef” è semplicemente sbagliato, non è vero?
Non sono stato vittima dell’errore, mi piace il tartaro ma chiamarlo roast beef è semplicemente inesatto, vero? Dovrebbe essere "carne macinata cruda" o qualcosa del genere.
Yeah, someone prolly mistaken “ground” for “roast”.
What’s the word you censored in the second line?
It’s a translation mistake. Loin in Polish is called rostbef, which the translator thought was the same as English roast beef.
Yeah, it’s wrong. Maybe they tried to translate rostbef which is a type of cut as well as a type of dish and chose the wrong translation.
It’s either a weird way of making Tatar or they just didn’t double check the translation, likely the latter.
You could double check with a polish menu.