Zelenskyj critica la posizione debole del G20 sull’invasione russa


di RoninSolutions


  1. just yesterday there were two commentators in TV (PT) remarking exactly the weakness of (too many) Western leaders. To my personal pleasure, as I’ve been bashing the condescendance of Biden, they included Biden in this list (finally): “goes out through the back door”, “weak until the very last day”. Of course Scholz and the zig-zag Macron.

    They made it clear we need strong leaders that explain the reality of the situation, that it goes much beyond UA, to the security system of the whole Europe which is now in jeopardy.

  2. JesradSeraph on

    We did Operation Deliberate Force in response to Srebrenica and Markale massacres. Where has the v2.0 of this operation hidden, after the massacres in Irpin and Bucha ?

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