La vita rurale della Moldavia negli anni ’50 -’70, catturata nelle fotografie di Zaharia Cuşnir

di ArthRol


  1. Professional_Elk3757 on

    In many villages, the life was still pretty much the same, if not worse, in the ’90 when I was a kid, right after the collapse of USSR. Nowadays, many villages are ghosted, as everybody left…

  2. jjpamsterdam on

    What an interesting time capsule. You can really see the old, almost medieval world clashing with the new order imposed by the Soviet Union. Thanks for sharing!

  3. FatFaceRikky on

    Is it just the photos or are people in M unusually tiny, like <160cm? Maybe something went wrong with the scaling. Reminds me a bit of hobbits.

  4. Hobgoblin_Khanate on

    It’s interesting to think that this is exactly how huge swathes of Europe looked at this time. Practically the whole of the eastern part of Europe and Russia

  5. Bertybassett99 on

    I could have sworn that was a filtered version of life in rural Russia today.

  6. InvictusVictorious on

    I love the one with the guy standing in front of a soviet propaganda poster. He has a shorter foot that the photographer “corrected” by making him stand on a brick.
    Really interesting snap-shot of rural Moldova at the dawn of an era and the rise of another. Thank you for posting it here.

  7. Honestly it looks like most people were content. Homes look fine, the community tight-knit, I know this isn’t the full picture and it’s probably a relatively well-off village, but I bet things started going south in these areas only when the whole country (and the world) started moving towards a market economy.

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