Scimmie trasportate in aereo nel Regno Unito per analisi di laboratorio, trovate “ferite e terrorizzate” in gabbie d’aereo intrise di sangue
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Fuck I hate what we’ve done to this planet
>The long-tailed macaques endured journeys of up to 25 hours from Mauritius and Vietnam, transported in cramped wooden crates too small for them to stand upright.
They should use child sex offenders for lab tests instead of monkeys.
Edit: being downvoted by pedos.
It’s sad but animal testing is non-negotiable, that is if you want to continue advancing medicine anyways.
I’m listening to the podcast ‘We Didn’t Start The Fire’ a podcast which covers all of the cultural events mentioned in Billy Joel’s titular song. Just today I listened to the episode ‘Vaccine’ where the hosts mention how during the development of the Polio vaccine monkey’s were flown in crates in order to be tested on. Quite heartbreaking that after all these years a more humane solution hasn’t been found 🙁