Kela avverte i finlandesi all’estero che potrebbero presto perdere i pagamenti delle pensioni nazionali

di YourShowerCompanion


  1. Lumpy_Argument_1867 on

    Could save a lot of money by cutting back wasteful and borderline currpt business subsidies

  2. SufficientlyInfo on

    I’d like to hear people’s thoughts on this – in a lot of countries pension payments are limited to the home country – in others it’s anywhere.

    One interesting proposal I’ve heard is that abroad pensions should be matched to the living costs abroad (or are they already?) as in you can’t move to Thailand with a 3k pension and live like a king, it would be adjusted to match PPP to Finland so that 3k might become 1k.

    On the other hand government needs to save money, but on the other I’d be pissed if my earned pension was cut because of not being in Finland. After all I paid all my life into it. Except it’s a pyramid scheme and I paid more into it than ill get out of it while older people paid less than what they are getting out of it.

    This whole system is so rotten. I wish I could just opt out and invest the money my own way.

  3. TreeTactician on

    The money needs to be circulated in FInland. I really vouch for not paying pensions outside Finland permanently. Of course ,stay in warm for a winter but your main address should be in Finland.

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