Come viene attribuito lo status di investitore strategico a persone/aziende che non possono nemmeno garantire il valore dell’investimento?
Il Belgio ha una delle imposte sulle plusvalenze più basse in Europa di atrocious_cleva82
ElSandroTheGreat on 25/11/2024 20:11 Belgium has world’s highest income tax, please let us have this one
LifeIsAnAdventure4 on 25/11/2024 20:12 Can’t go much lower than 0 although I would appreciate refunds for my degenerate stock picking losses.
Financial_Feeling185 on 25/11/2024 20:32 That is why we lost a lot of big companies in Belgium. There is no incentive not to sell your company.
Belgium has the 6th highest dividend tax, so there you go
Belgium has world’s highest income tax, please let us have this one
Bulgaria be like 10% and I don’t exist on the map…
Can’t go much lower than 0 although I would appreciate refunds for my degenerate stock picking losses.
The personal income tax is pretty high
That is why we lost a lot of big companies in Belgium. There is no incentive not to sell your company.