Ciao, sto per tornare in Danimarca con la speranza di riconnettermi con la mia famiglia e imparare il danese. Sono un cittadino danese, ma sono stato via per così tanto tempo (da adolescente), che ho bisogno di una guida legale. Mi sono imbattuto in questo sito:

Se l’hai usato/ne hai sentito parlare, come è stata la tua esperienza?

Anyone ever used/heard of Danes Worldwide?
byu/princessverse inDenmark

di princessverse


  1. BlomkalsGratin on

    Yeah, Danes worldwide is the organisation getting to represent Danes living outside the country. They run a Danish summer school, online Danish courses, some business connection things, have some “return to Denmark” temporary rental type offers, do lobbying and stuff life that. They were heavily involved in the dual citizenship debate and are currently engaged in discussions around voting rights for expat Danes.

    If your question is, “Are they a real and legit organisation?” The answer is most definitely “yes. ” If it is, “Are they useful to be?” Is more of a YMMV type thing, I guess. But they’re well across a lot of the issues and challenges faced when moving home, and I believe their counselling and advice is pretty good usually

  2. It’s a legit organization but depending on what your needs are, it may be overkill. If it’s just a pretty straight-forward move to Denmark, then have a look at [this website](

    If your case is more complex and you require some legal assistance, then they can possibly help you out.

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