Come hanno votato i rumeni che vivono in Germania per le elezioni presidenziali: il 57% per il candidato di estrema destra

di Shoddy-Pass974


  1. sweet-459 on

    Nice. Vote the federalists out. We don’t want another World War in europe.

  2. Shoddy-Pass974 on

    and in total, 57.8 + 12.9 =

    70% for far right candidates

  3. Black_Moon88 on

    More or less same like Germans , there is also a far right movement growing .

  4. Liquid_Chrome8909 on

    So just like Turks living in Germany and voting Erdoğan

  5. simihal101 on

    The turkish people living in Germany gave an important boost for president Erdogan, too. It’s easy when you stay outside ..

  6. PatrickSheperd on

    If everyone starts going Far Right, does that make it the new Centre, making the Far Left the Far Far Left?

  7. Ok_Discussion5836 on

    Important notice is the the Social Democrat candidate actually insulted the romanians working abroad, that’s the reason for his horrendous score.

  8. kruska345 on

    Is there any country whose diaspora in Germany isnt highly nationalistic?

  9. OneRegular378 on

    There are around 900,000 Romanian citizens living in Germany. This must be a super low turnout.

  10. MotanulScotishFold on

    While we all talking here, Russian services are mastering their tactics into disinformation and manipulation very well, hence why the rise of extreme right.

    Only our govt seems to not see that. We’re heading into dark ages.

  11. Early_Ship3011 on

    69% voted for Pro-Russian, right-wing, r3t*rds (Călin Georgescu + George-Nicolae Simion)

  12. Sankullo on

    Is he really far right or „far right”? I’m asking because people throw “far right” so frivolously these days that it really is impossible to know if someone is far right or just conservative.

    Like PiS in Poland was branded here far right on multiple occasions despite them being socialist as f*ck but Christian conservatives at the same time.

  13. copacul13 on

    Germany should deport our fellow romanian brothers so they can feel the impact of their vote. I swear, the average IQ of earth in 2024 is at all time low.

  14. Lakuriqidites on

    This is hilarious and stupid at the same time.

    How delusional one should be?

  15. Independent-Slide-79 on

    This does enrage me. Not an uncommon phenomena tho… living in a social state bur vote for right wingers….

  16. TheNotSoGrim on

    Tfw democracies today don’t only have to worry about shitty social media in their borders but even in allied nations’ social media as well.

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