I deputati votano a favore della legalizzazione della morte assistita


di sjw_7


  1. ByteSizedGenius on

    I know it’s still early days here, but I’m incredibly grateful to this set of MPs for being brave here. I am often one of the first to pile in on them but A+ for today.

  2. Logical-Brief-420 on

    Genuinely excellent news. I didn’t think it would pass actually, but I’m glad it did. 78% of the public support this and an MPs job is to represent us, the public.

  3. Sea_Routine4737 on

    Pandora’s box is now open, great. Meanwhile, hospices are on their knees and closing across the country.

  4. BoringPhilosopher1 on

    I just don’t understand how 275 MP’s can vote against it.

  5. JayDeeIsI on

    Genuinely surprised that this has gone through, very impressed by our MPs for the first time in donkeys

  6. Squirrel_in_Lotus on

    What a relief. Proud to be British today. Compassion, courage and kindness being put into action.

  7. 1DarkStarryNight on

    Should be noted that this only applies to England & Wales — not Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  8. OneNoteRedditor on

    Wonderful news! Seeing how my dad suffered in his later months this year, and that could have been avoided and WILL be going forward is very heartening! Also, especially as I have a loved one currently suffering stage 4 breast cancer, so it’s really encouraging that IF she wants to, she can avoid unnecessary pain when she finally loses that battle!

  9. Just the sort of progressive policy the UK needs to hear about at the moment, given some (particularly a grifting politician) seem to think we should go backwards on things like bodily autonomy for women through abortion.

    Provided the UK does this right, this should help those genuinely suffering end their lives with some dignity while in control.

  10. Northern__Ryan on

    This is a terrible change in my opinion. Likely to be abused, likely to make our society more callous, and likely to be expanded even further than it currently goes, if not by Parliament then by the judiciary.

    We all ought to hope we can tolerate the consequences of this, because the activists will make sure this issue becomes like abortion and we will not be allowed to have an open debate about the issue ever again.

  11. Pandora’s box. What was needed here was a complete overhaul and funding injection into palliative and social care that promotes good and dignified deaths. Instead we’ve got some half baked legislation that will very soon be found wanting. On a personal level, speaking as a nurse, this makes me very, very uncomfortable.

  12. Adventurous_Day470 on

    I just hope this bill is used with care and not used for to cut funds elsewhere being someone who had family that could not afford palliative care it was destressing watching my gran be refused a cup of tea when begging for one.

    I also hope it doesn’t expand to mental health in the future like it does in caranda

  13. The_Ghost_Of_Pedro on

    If this is for anyone, not just those who are ill, this is a big win.

  14. That_Touch5280 on

    The judiciary have explicitly stated that they will not intervene on the will of parliament!

  15. willNffcUk on

    Can’t believe it. Honestly thought it would not get through .

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