Come devo gestire questa situazione?

Sono la persona più recente che si è unita al mio edificio, sono qui da anni, ma sono ancora l’ultima, e non so se dovrei sollevare scalpore o meno a riguardo.

Ma fondamentalmente, 2 dei miei vicini lo hanno fatto "nascosto" Congelatori nella cantina… visto che si tratta di un vecchio edificio con una cantina condivisa, non significherebbe rubare energia a tutti noi? O pensi che stiano pagando una giusta quota per questo?

La linea elettrica nasce dalla luce di questo spazio condiviso.

Il vecchio me scrollerebbe le spalle, ma dal momento che vivo con i tipici vecchi che si lamentano delle cose più insignificanti, vorrei infastidirli, come hanno fatto con me in passato (ero appena nuovo nel paese e imparando le regole.. non ho fatto nulla di dannoso o illegale per nessuno, come ad esempio ho fatto 2 lavaggi in una settimana in lavanderia).

Mi piacerebbe la tua opinione su questo.

di lordofcuntsthefirst


  1. Just write an email to the administration (with images) that you too would like to install your own freezer using the common line which everyone pays for. They will send someone to check. With this you hit two neighbours with ein stein.

  2. 577564842 on

    Accidents happen, die Sicherung can fall out… That would really annoy some.

  3. ThisComfortable4838 on

    Write to the landlord. Ask how you can also install a freezer into the cellar space. Tell them you are hoping to save money on groceries by buying in bulk and preparing food for storage. Inquire about how the power works, if you need an electrician to do the work and how are you billed for the power.

  4. Send these pictures to your verwaltung.

    It’s probable that they don’t pay their fair share, but it’s also a dangerous electrical setup if homemade.

    Rules of living well together apply to everyone.

  5. TTTomaniac on

    Contact management/the landlord. Quite possibly the freezer electricity is paid for with a flat rate which would make sense especially since you can’t just tap into a lighting circuit, you’d have to run a dedicated circuit to power the socket.

    Example: I kept my camper’s electrics on shore power using a common outlet in the underground parking at my old place and paid CHF 5/month for the privilege.

  6. Hoschy_ch on

    The Power comes from the light?

    That would mean, if you turn OFF the light, the freezer has no power.

    Is that light on 24/7 ?

  7. Puzzleheaded-Pen4413 on

    Put 2 freezers in the basement yourself. And a fridge. And a TV. And a lounge chair. And a snooker table. And a BUD neon light. Fill the fridge with beer. Have your friends come over. Have a great time. Rinse and repeat.

  8. mantellaaurantiaca on

    If there’s only 3 of you then you’re easily paying a few hundred for their freezers

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