Un quarto degli svizzeri ammette di guidare in stato di ebbrezza


di BezugssystemCH1903


  1. BezugssystemCH1903 on


    >__Nearly one in four Swiss claim to have driven after consuming alcohol. This rate is particularly high in comparison with other European countries, warns the Swiss Accident Prevention Bureau.__

    >The agency is calling for caution in the run-up to the festive season.

    >According to the study, carried out in 2023 in 39 countries, including 22 in Europe, 23% of Swiss claim to have driven at least once after consuming alcohol in a 30-day period. In Europe, the rate is only 15%.

    >The 2023 survey, carried out in collaboration with 14 cantonal police forces, shows that almost 4% of motorists drive after drinking alcohol, and 0.4% have a blood alcohol level above the legal limit of 0.5 per mille. At night, the rate is even higher, with one in seven drivers under the influence of alcohol.

    >Last year, 31 people were killed and 506 seriously injured in alcohol-related road accidents. Alcohol was involved in almost 12% of accidents resulting in serious injury. The situation has not improved over the last 10 years, deplores the accident prevention agency.

    >__Young drivers: an improvement__

    >However, it notes that measures targeting young drivers appear to be bearing fruit. The under-30s are generally behaving more responsibly than their elders.

    >In the run-up to the festive season, the agency recommends that drivers refrain from drinking alcohol before getting behind the wheel or, if they have had a drink, leave their vehicle where it is and take a cab or public transport home. It recommends carpooling, with a sober driver designated in advance.

    >In any case, people who have been drinking should be prevented from getting behind the wheel. For their part, hosts are invited to offer non-alcoholic beverages.

  2. Any-Cause-374 on

    Absolutely get fucked, I hope y’all lose your license and have to start over (in 5 years when you‘re allowed to again).

  3. Any-Cause-374 on

    Absolutely get fucked, I hope y’all lose your license and have to start over (in 5 years when you‘re allowed to again).

  4. DeKileCH on

    In a 30 day period aswell which means these fuckers do that shit regularly.

    Anyone who gets caught once shpuld never be able to drive a car again.

  5. Oh well…. a good reason to invest in public transport and take them their license away I guess?

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