Qualcuno sa perché queste pietre sono rosse in Svezia?


di Astral_Luminosity


  1. Astral_Luminosity on

    This is in the south of the province of Vasternorrland just in case anyone is wondering.

  2. EntrepreneurOk239 on

    They are stones collected from Stockholms blodbad from year 1520

  3. Advanced_Net39 on

    Once upon a time, in the rugged land of Sweden, there was a valley known as the Valley of the Red Stones. The stones scattered throughout this valley were a striking shade of red, a hue that captured the imagination of all who beheld them.

    Long ago, this valley was the site of a great and terrible battle. Viking clans from across the region clashed in a fierce struggle for dominance. The battle raged for days, with warriors fighting with unmatched ferocity. Swords clanged, shields splintered, and the ground trembled under the weight of their conflict.

    Among the warriors were two legendary chieftains: Bjorn the Bold and Erik the Fierce. Bjorn was known for his strength and unyielding courage, while Erik was famed for his cunning and ruthless tactics. Their rivalry had grown over years of skirmishes and raids, each seeking to outdo the other and claim the title of the greatest Viking leader.

    As the battle reached its peak, the sun disappeared behind dark clouds, casting an eerie shadow over the valley. The clash of steel and the cries of warriors echoed through the air. Bjorn and Erik finally met face to face in the heart of the battlefield, their eyes blazing with the fury of countless grievances.

    Their duel was the stuff of legends. They fought with all the strength and skill they possessed, neither willing to yield. Blood flowed freely from their wounds, staining the ground beneath them. Their final blows were struck simultaneously, and both chieftains fell to the earth, their life forces ebbing away.

    The warriors on both sides, witnessing the fall of their leaders, were overcome with a profound sense of loss and reverence. The battle ceased as they gathered around the bodies of Bjorn and Erik, their own conflicts forgotten in the face of such a powerful moment.

    As their blood seeped into the soil, the earth seemed to absorb their essence, turning the stones scattered across the valley a deep, vibrant red. It was said that the spirits of the fallen warriors had merged with the land, their bravery and sacrifice forever imprinted on the stones.

    From that day forward, the Valley of the Red Stones stood as a testament to the courage and honor of the Viking warriors. It became a place of pilgrimage, where people from far and wide would come to pay their respects and remember the heroes who had fought so valiantly.

    The legend of the red stones was passed down through generations, a reminder of the power of valor and the deep connection between the land and those who defended it. And so, the stones remained red, a silent yet powerful symbol of the Viking blood that had been spilled, forever coloring the valley with its eternal memory.

    That’s why the stones are red.

  4. Those are female stones and you just happened to catch them at a certain.. time of the month.

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