La mia limitata comprensione è che questo termine si riferisce a uno strato di funzionari/oligarchi corrotti che hanno governato l’Armenia per 20-25 anni. Erano originari dell’Artsakh e hanno ereditato la loro ricchezza dalla burocrazia sovietica e, attraverso accordi segreti con l’oligarchia russa, hanno mantenuto lo status quo dell’Artsakh con l’Azerbaijan fino al 2020. Questo strato di burocrati corrotti ha rubato denaro alla classe operaia armena per 30 anni, attraverso riciclaggio, appropriazione indebita e monopoli che sono culminati nella Rivoluzione di velluto del 2018 e nell’ascesa di Pashinyan alla carica. L’opposizione di Pashinyan al clan Karabakah ha sconvolto i loro amici nell’oligarchia russa, con conseguente allontanamento della Russia dall’Armenia e optando invece per accordi loschi con il [Nakhchivan Clan]( e gli Aliyev. Naturalmente, non intendo fare un’equivalenza esatta tra il “clan Karabakh” e gli Aliyev, poiché tutti sappiamo che c’era più pluralismo democratico in Armenia anche quando era in carica il “clan Karabakh”; invece, una sola famiglia ha governato l’Azerbaigian in un modo o nell’altro per 50 anni. Questa valutazione è accurata?
di SadCampCounselor
russian move away from armenia because of pashinyan actions.
-issuring an arrest warrant of CSTO Secretary General Khachaturov
-after 2020 july clash he make biggest clown show and give armenian national hero title to some dude.
-calling in shushi “artsakh is armenian and finish”
I hate this term “Karabakh Clan” and the disgusting discrimination some of the people who use it (mostly old folks who are diehard pro Nikol) have towards Artsakhtsis.
Despite some differences Artsakhtsis are Armenians at the end of the day, let’s not do this shit where we blame the failings of 2 people on an entire subgroup of Armenians or god forbid take the schizo route and claim they are “Turk blooded” or some shit.
Yes, your assessment is accurate. The correctness of the assessment is also borne out in the economic and infrastructural state of Karabakh. The political apparatus of Artsakh accomplished absolutely nothing over the course of the several decades of its control in terms of infrastructure, wealth and social growth.
You could confidently say that the population of Artsakh mainly just stagnated, and likewise the economy and infrastructure. The political class responsible for this was exported to Armenia, and the result has been what has unfolded over the last decades.
This is not to say that the political class in the republic was and is not corrupt, or that it would not have been corrupted by power, but, in truth, the Artsakh elite had an absolutely detrimental effect on the political culture of the republic, which was already not great and broadly congruous with general soviet political culture.
Ok since were on the topic, I remember hearing from credible sources that special forces from Artsakh were brought in to put down protestors on March 1 2008, Is there any truth to this?
Edit: Found a source
They didn’t inherit their wealth from the Soviet bureaucracy really.
They were living OKish, not even close to what they have now.
When Levon brought Kocharyan in, and eventually he took over, he didn’t have any of this, neither did Serge. They literally drained the country and built their wealth.
The Karabakh clan in Artsakh meanwhile continued to drain Artsakh, and buy businesses and houses everywhere else instead of putting it into the country and its defense.