Le elezioni a Sint-Joost-ten-Noode non sono valide: è mai successo prima? E i residenti dovranno tornare alle urne?
Avvertimento! È in arrivo una forte tempesta di neve, entro la mattina potrebbero cadere 7 cm di neve
Pallone afferma di essere stato preso di mira dalle forze governative azere alla conferenza sul clima
Amazing-Row-5963 on 02/07/2024 10:00 EU, that’s about 80 percent of it. Also, our current GDP per capita is 8500 dollars (they always use the 2002 census population, not 2021). Small difference, but still.
quintcobalt on 02/07/2024 10:09 I can’t explain myself. I find this graph very difficult to maѕturbate to, I honestly don’t know how you do it.
What do you mean “explain yourselves”? What did we do this time?
Можеби ако не ставивте вето и ние ќе имавме сличен раст
EU, that’s about 80 percent of it.
Also, our current GDP per capita is 8500 dollars (they always use the 2002 census population, not 2021). Small difference, but still.
I can’t explain myself. I find this graph very difficult to maѕturbate to, I honestly don’t know how you do it.