Missione impossibile: sopravvivere alla città di Baku


di kurdechanian


  1. datashrimp29 on

    You can jump or parkour. It is good for legs and health. Authorities are very human-oriented. City design is very human.

    We used to play football in those streets with cars parked and passing every minute. Children are too spoiled nowadays.

  2. wanderer_meson on

    You don’t understand. They have nostalgia for Super Mario.

  3. Dude this street sucks, they are planning to close İslam Səfərli to traffic

  4. brawlstars309 on

    How dare you speak against the almighty car-centric infrastructure that definitely does not steal the streets and ruin the city’s social life!

  5. how about walking on the sidewalk on left, use your brain also not only legs

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