Prima del censimento generale della popolazione, che si terrà domani, i curdi delle città di Sulaymaniyah ed Erbil verranno trasferiti a Kirkuk. Vogliono dare la cittadinanza ai curdi provenienti dall’Iran, dalla Siria e persino dalla Turchia e cambiare l’identità di Kirkuk.
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Apre un nuovo osservatorio nel giovane paese del Kosovo New Observatory Opens in the Young Country of Kosovo di mendi926
mendi926 on 03/07/2024 18:13 Major credits for achieving this feat to Pranvera Hyseni, a PhD student in the University of California and Milaim Rushiti, who gave his land for free for the observatory. On an interesting note, on facebook Pranvera posted a special message sent by Queen’s guitarist (and also an astrophysicist) Brian May:
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Major credits for achieving this feat to Pranvera Hyseni, a PhD student in the University of California and Milaim Rushiti, who gave his land for free for the observatory.
On an interesting note, on facebook Pranvera posted a special message sent by Queen’s guitarist (and also an astrophysicist) Brian May: