Non voglio iniziare un dibattito su questo, ma le elezioni in Iran influenzeranno direttamente gli affari dell’Armenia, quindi non penso che sia qualcosa che le persone dovrebbero cercare di ignorare. Di seguito puoi trovare l’intervista del neoeletto presidente su quanto sia orgoglioso di essere turco e azero. Dice chiaramente che non si considera curdo ma turco e ne è molto orgoglioso. Non capisco perché le persone cerchino di evitare di parlare dei rischi che questo porterà. Sì, il leader religioso R ha l’ultima parola, ma il ragazzo sarà il presidente del paese e ovviamente avrà la sua influenza sulle cose.

di RageAgainstR


  1. RageAgainstR on

    Also to add, in the interview he says that at their home they never talk in Persian and only talk Turkish. His father and mother are both Turks and he is so proud for being Turk. 

  2. ReverendEdgelord on

    Iranian governance is split between the clerical establishment, the IRGC and the government. Of these three the clerical establishment and the IRGC are the stronger by a large measure.

    The government can’t implement any policies against Armenia if this is contrary to the will of the other two.

    Fundamentally, if there are any policies aimed against Armenia, it will not be because of the government, but through the agreement of the IRGC and the clerical establishment.

    We need to foster good relations with Iran, but this means the broad Iranian governance, not solely the government.

    Besides, his proclamation that he is Turk is aimed at domestic issues and the domestic treatment of ethnicities, and the majority of Iran is not Turk. It would be very difficult to explain to them politically why the government is conceding advantages to Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    This does not overrule Iran’s geopolitical interests.

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