“Questo rischio non deve essere minimizzato”: Gouveia e Melo afferma che il Portogallo deve essere pronto per una possibile escalation della guerra
È stato redatto un progetto di legge che richiede una chiara indicazione dei guadagni negli annunci di lavoro
La città medievale armena di Ani, un tempo una delle più grandi al mondo. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dwq8xk di Ok_Connection7680
Ok_Connection7680 on 06/07/2024 14:02 Sadly in 1064 the city was captured by Seljuk turks and the entire population was slaughtered. Now the city is a part of Turkey according to the treaty of Kars, signed by the Soviets. It is located near the Ocakli village.
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Sadly in 1064 the city was captured by Seljuk turks and the entire population was slaughtered.
Now the city is a part of Turkey according to the treaty of Kars, signed by the Soviets. It is located near the Ocakli village.