Adoro come i proprietari di aziende siano diventati deliranti

di Megatron3600

1 Comment

  1. Megatron3600 on

    “According to Balnis, of the Hotels and Restaurants Association, there is no room to cut prices, because the entire sector is just breaking even.

    Meanwhile, restaurateurs are pinning their hopes on the new government which may, they hope, be more amenable to their pleas for tax cuts.

    “We will join together in the three Baltic states to protest,” says Balnis.”

    Business owners in LT must be some of the most narcissistic and delusional people I’ve ever seen. My brother, how can you complain about high taxes and need to rise prices even more when I have to pay f*kin 15 eur for sh*ttiest pizza I’ve ever eaten? Blows my mind.

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