Sostiene Orbán nei suoi sforzi per dialogare con Putin e Trump e accusa l’UE di essere responsabile del conflitto per non aver attuato gli accordi di Minsk.
Il comunicato allegato è stato censurato e firmato da un certo James Holland, un uomo che tra il 2015 e il 2018 ha lavorato per il colosso agroalimentare russo Sodrugestvo.
Elettori ADR, siete orgogliosi del vostro sostegno alla Russia? Sono sicuro di sì. Na zdarovye!
ADR eurodeputy votes against Ukraine
byu/labombacita inLuxembourg
di labombacita
They get their monies from papa Putin, like every single far right party in Europe
Look at the big picture, there are 5 other MEPs from Luxembourg supporting opposite views
It’s actually irrelevant that someone worked for a Russian company almost 10 years ago. In the last decade the EU paid billions to Russia for their energy while they were drifting to become more and more authoritarian
I‘m shocked that the right-wing party voted to aid a right-wing government! No one could have seen this coming!
Read his statement twice, but did not get where is support for Russia? The efforts to talk to Putin? But the EU resolution also “Urges the parties to the conflict to open diplomatic channels, with the aim of concluding a lasting peace agreement”.
The EU resolution also has other pretty interesting points which are probably even less pleasant than what Kartheiser says.
“6. Calls on the Ukrainian authorities to ensure freedom of expression and to step up their efforts in the fight against corruption;
7. Expresses grave concern regarding the precarious situation of national minority communities in Ukraine, who are often the targets of unfounded discrimination;”