Yavuz Ağıralioğlu, che in precedenza aveva detto: “Non guideremo auto costose finché non rimarrà un solo povero a cui verrà data la zakat”, è stato visto con la sua lussuosa Maserati.
Zelenskyj avverte che l’Ucraina “perderà” se gli aiuti militari statunitensi saranno ridotti, dice Trump “più forte di Putin”
La Lettonia ha sofferto molto durante la prima guerra mondiale? Cosa sta succedendo dopo il crollo dell’URSS? https://i.redd.it/pudvmenj32ed1.png di ArtKata
Interesting_Injury_9 on 22/07/2024 11:49 Latvia did suffer a lot durring WW1, after which saw enourmous growth till ussr occupation in 1940. After collapse of ussr, when freedom of movement was restored, some people left for different countries, some returned from western countries.
Why exactly you want discuss this?
Did you take a screenshot of an image?
Latvia did suffer a lot durring WW1, after which saw enourmous growth till ussr occupation in 1940. After collapse of ussr, when freedom of movement was restored, some people left for different countries, some returned from western countries.