Il medico legale nazionale esamina la documentazione di quattro decessi dovuti al vaccino contro il Covid-19 – RÚ
Tempera: OSE ha perso i video che avrebbe dovuto salvare [ Απλά τα διέγραψε μετά το πέρας των 15 ημερών ενώ είχε υποχρέωση να γνωστοποιήσει ότι μπορούν να διατηρηθούν για 3 μήνες ]
Kalev Stoicescu: la propaganda russa tratta la Finlandia come l’Ucraina prima dell’aggressione su vasta scala di jyxomir
sph45 on 10/08/2024 15:50 They can say what ever the fuck they want. It doesn’t mean shit. Not after two years of 3 day smo.
Altruistic_Young7789 on 10/08/2024 15:51 This is why our borders should stay closed. Foreing agents aren’t welcome
They can say what ever the fuck they want. It doesn’t mean shit. Not after two years of 3 day smo.
Another invasion threat? is it Saturday already?
This is why our borders should stay closed. Foreing agents aren’t welcome