Ƚ֢֡֩֡֡֬ – Perché non esiste un’edizione storico-critica di Khatabala? Bisognerebbe trovare le risorse per realizzare una simile edizione della rivista liberale armena di Tbilisi.
Il caffè più bello d’Europa si trova a Bydgoszcz. È stato apprezzato dalla giuria del prestigioso concorso
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pride_of_artaxias on 13/08/2024 08:36 I was never able to find a reliable source for that Lusignan flag. Tricolour afaik weren’t a thing in the Middle Ages so I highly doubt it’s real. Afaik the modern day tricolour was chosen for its symbolism and not any historical precedent.
I was never able to find a reliable source for that Lusignan flag. Tricolour afaik weren’t a thing in the Middle Ages so I highly doubt it’s real.
Afaik the modern day tricolour was chosen for its symbolism and not any historical precedent.
Artaxiad was the most beautiful one of all