Sto navigando da Stoccolma a Helsinki e la nave si fermerà alle isole Åland per far scendere/prendere passeggeri. Ho visto che le isole Åland sono in allerta per l’invasione russa. È vero? Dovrei preoccuparmi? Molte fonti hanno pubblicato questa notizia, eccone una
di CartoonistGrouchy104
Never been safer.
Only possible dangers there are ticks and drowning.
If your reading comprehension is so bad, it’s best to stay home.
I knew Swedes were soft but this is *SOFT*
Beware of the spear attacks of the Åland tribes!
By the of chance you are real human and not a Russian bot which your post history makes me suspect:
Finland is safe, Sweden is safe, Åland is safe, north europe is safe, boats in north europe are safe, there are toilets in north europe and they are safe.
This is the safest place in the region. As ice hockey games between Finland and Sweden takes place there.